PowerSensAI Inc. (PSAI) enables the modern electrification revolution. Our core expertise is providing the vital components and systems to advance controllable high power-density systems globally. Our solutions address the needs of several fast-growing markets, ranging from electrified transportation to global power grids. We will enable clean and safe transportation and usher in the era of resilient power grids capable of utilizing renewable energy sources and storage.
What Revolution? The development of new power transistors with high electron mobility, HEMT, allows engineering solutions that up to now were the stuff of science fiction. For example, see the near-term possibilities in the flying car business: Electric Vehicle Vertical Takeoff and Landing (EVTOL).
The core PowerSensAI technology is based on instrument-grade non-contact current and voltage sensors for Wide Bandgap (WBG) transistors that operate at high frequencies: (DC to 15MHz). Our sensors are accurate and scalable from a few Amperes to 1000s of Amperes, outperforming all existing products in critical specs. They also offer the widest range bandwidth among non-dissipating sensors, continuous DC to 15 MHZ. As a result, our current offerings are the most precise, high-speed current and voltage sensors for power electronics, offering designers a range of possibilities for innovation in controlling power density.
With more than 5 years in product development, PowerSensAI is commercializing a line of products to enable innovative solutions for multiple industries. In addition, we are engaging in industrial partnerships with leading power electronics firms, providing them with solutions for accelerated sales growth. If you develop electronics for high-power-density applications or want to sell components into these supply chains, please get in touch with us.
Some of the leading companies in our ecosystem are: